Sunshine Blogger Award


So a while ago, socallucyfan nominated me for this award! I’ve been so stupidly busy the past few days (being in the last uni semester will do that, huh?) so it took me a while to get round to this. But I appreciate it!

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

It’s an award for bloggers from other bloggers, a beautiful way to share all the amazing things other bloggers do and write about. It is a way to recognize their efforts in inspiring others to do what they love.


1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers and add their links.
4. Notify the bloggers you included.
5. Keep the rules in your post.


1.What or who inspired you to start writing SimLit?

Man, I had no idea it’s called SimLit. That makes sense. Anyway, when ts3 first came out (when I was fourteen!) I started reading this legacy on the sims exchange called The Smiths by Aoxa, who then moved to livejournal which inspired me to do my own silly comedy freeplay. A while later, maybe a year? I discovered the Inks, but inkwisteria (she did the ginger snap diaries on simblr if you know of it) and I was so in love with her writing that I thought – hey, why don’t I start a dramatic legacy?

Or at least I think that’s how it happened. I may have started a drama one before the inks because of my simmer friend who introduced supernatural drama into her legacy (the tales! man, so long ago…). I don’t really remember which inspired me. The inks may have just inspired a story line, now I think about it. Around generation three or four of my legacy… the one which is being rewritten on here!

2.Favorite Season?

Short answer – Summer. I quite like them all though. Changes are nice to see. I enjoy Winter the least, but I do like it for a couple of months until being cold and dark gets boring.

3.What is your favorite Sims Expansion Pack, it can be from any of the Sims Games?

Supernatural, because it’s enabled me to do so much shit with SOL. Also University from ts2, because I was so in love with anything university based. Almost as if I didn’t think it would be hard work once I got here…

4.What are you wearing right now?

Penguin leggings, a jumper, my dressing gown and a blanket. It’s cold :c

5.Least favorite word?


6.What is one place that you have never been, but would love to go?

Italy. Probably Venice. Way romanticised, but I adore many fantasy books which have cities based on it, and I think  it would be inspiring.

7.What is one aspect of The Sims that you would want to incorporate in to real life?

Motherlode lmao. Nah, um, the ease in which they can get a job?

8.If they made a movie of your life, what actor would play you?

I don’t really know actors, oops. I’d love to have the actress that plays Raven in the 100, but she looks nothing like me, so probably the actress that plays April in Parks and Recs.

9.Favorite movie/TV Show/book?

The Kingkiller Chronicles!! AAAH they’re gonna be a film, a tv show and a set of games. I love Rothfuss.

I also am knee deep in my love for Eli Monpress (Rachel Aaron, because wizard thieves are my jam), Locke lamora (Scott Lynch) and I’ve just finished the first book of the Amtrak wars which is hella good and hella old.

10.If you had to describe yourself using only one word, what would that word be?

Weird, probably 😛

11.If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

This damn question lmao. Of course it does. A sound isn’t defined by being heard. It still happens if no one is around. I remember debating this question for days in high school, god damn.


My 11 blogs, in no particular order:

  1. The Matthew’s Random Legacy
  2. The Diffy’s Random legacy
  3. Different Winters
  4. A Graying World
  5. Not So Ordinary Life (Extras)
  6. A Clover and a Bee
  7. Our Different Paths
  8. Forever Darkness
  9. Neverdoitagain (I haven’t started reading it yet, but loladiamond has been leaving such kind comments and I don’t doubt I’m going to race through the story once I get a chance!)
  10. (I know it’s kind of cheating but I also really enjoy reading socallucyfan’s stories and it wouldn’t be right not to tag Once Upon A Legacy too!)
  11. Summerdream


Questions, if you wanna:

1.What or who inspired you to start writing SimLit?

2. What’s your favourite animal?

3. Do you have a favourite trope in writing?

4. Do you have a least favourite trope/cliche in writing?

5. Do you write other stories outside of sims?

6. Do you play any other computer/console games?

7. How long have you been writing using the sims games?

8. Do you have a favourite story line in the legacy/story you’re working on?

9.Do you listen to music while you write?

10.What book has most impacted you in the last couple of years, and why?

11.Do you have any writing rituals?

24 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. Thank you for the nomination! ❤ I'll try to post my award and nominations soon. 🙂

    And yay! You like me the most! I'm sure that's true and you didn't just say that to slight someone else. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved your answers!! LOL
    I used to read The Smith Legacy too!! It is what actually inspired me to post my very first legacy. But posting a story on the Story Boards on the official website was such a pain that I only posted about two or thee chapters!

    Liked by 1 person

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